For those of you who have been keeping up: the first week of August was Shark Week; the second was Hurricane Week; and now for the third... Pairs of Chairs week! Until a couple of weeks ago, I only had one pair of chairs at allora. I must admit, this was a little disappointing on my end, but I just couldn't find any chairs that I was wild about and came as a set. It seems, however, that the chair gods have heard my pleas, and my little place has been inundated with chairs as of late. And they came two by two. So this week, I'm going with my first theme blog ever and celebrating the arrival of these chairs--in whatever state they may currently be! To kick it all off, I thought I'd share these images of some rather famous Pairs of Chairs, with the most famous being the thrones of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip at Buckingham Palace. There is something so wonderful implied by having a Pair of Chairs--I love the idea of designing explicitly for company of such an intimate nature, which is perhaps why I'm so drawn to the Reitveld and Gaudi chairs above. I also like the way that the corner (or fireside) chairs finish one another, that they don't quite make sense on their own. So get excited for Pairs of Chairs; there will be a new set everyday this week--be sure to check in and have a great Monday!